segunda-feira, 7 de dezembro de 2015

Transmissor de FM 4 watts

PLL de FM Verônica

Transmissor de FM Estéreo com BA1404

Transmissor de TV via satélite 1,5 Watts

Transmissor de FM com 5 Watts

Transmissor de FM com bobina impressa na PCI

Transmissor de TV UHF

UHF Video Transmitter

UHF Video Transmissor de UHF entre 420 e 500MHz com 150mW de potência. Seu alcance pode chegar a 150 metros com uma antena telescópica.
Q1 circuito é oscilador de 210 a 250MHz com a frequencia determinada pelo Trimmer de 4.7pF .
Q2 circuito é o duplicador de frequência movendo a freqüência de TV na banda UHF.
Q3 circuito é o misturador Amplificador de Potência e Amplitude Modulada Vídeo . O 1K predefinido controla o sinal de vídeo máxima . A antena deve ser ajustado para melhor ERP usando um wavemeter diodo para indicar a força .

Transmissor de FM Valvulado

Transmissor de TV para 1KM

Oscilador para 50MHz

The reason I am building this unit is to learn how to make transmitters. I will continue to build more and more powerfull transmitters. This first transmitter will be used to send some kind of data (zeros and ones). I will use this transmitter with a PIC16F84 processor and send some basic data over a distance. The interesting part will be how long distance I can transmitt, and the overal performance of this unit.
This transmitter is basically a crystal-oscillator. I found the 45.515MHz crystall in an old cordless-telephone. I guess you can find somewhere to buy crystals. The important thing is that the transmitter crystal is 455kHz lower than the receiver crystal, because the IF of the receiver should be 455kHz. The ceramic filter in the receiver is matched for 455kHz IF-signal.
The receiver for this project can be found here!


The crystal I used is a 3:th overtone crystal. L1 is a standard coil of 0.47uH. This coil is not so critical in value. If you are going to use other frequency you might have to change the value of this coil try some different values. L2 is a slug tuned coil (a tunable coil). You can use almost any coil core to make this coil. You might have to play a bit with the numbers of wire-turns.
I have added this coil to be able to change the oscillating frequency a bit. I noticed when I increase the power (by adding a 10k resistor to plus) the frequency will change for a few kiloherts. The reason of this is the internal stray-capacitance in the transistor is voltage dependent and change the overal resonans frequency.
Since I only want two different frequencies, one representing zero and one to represent ones. I can simply use the input to the 10k resistor to modulate the transmitting frequency.

L3 is a impedance transformer. It transform a low impedance (like 50 antenna) to bit higher impedans to the transistors emitter. This coil is not nessesary, most often one see a resistor here instead (1kohm). I have added this coil to increase the power and to get a better match to the antenna. This coil is not critical either, the important thing is that rhe coil can handle the actual frequency.
Output power
Power (mW)
51 ohm
10 ohm

As you can see in table above, when there is no load at the output there is no power, only a voltage.
When the 10k resistor to the base of the transistor is connected to plus the output power increase and the frequency change. Table below shows the output power in this case.
Output power
Power (mW)
51 ohm

Performance in open field

The crystal I used is a 3:th overtone crystal. L1 is a standard coil of 0.47uH. This coil is not so critical in value. If you are going to use other frequency you might have to change the value of this coil try some different values.

Oscilador de AM

Oscilador de UHF